Not wanting to replace our exterior lighting, just yet, I decided to try my luck at a frosted spray paint. Lowes carries several different levels of this type of spray. Unfortunately I didn't grab a before pic but it was just plain vision glass that didn't look like it was even there.
I removed the glass from the casing and laid it out on a piece of plastic tarp in the yard. I shook the container and sprayed a first coat across the test glass. It dried in seconds! I held it up and it seemed pretty uniform but far from what I was looking at. I put on a second coat and waited a couple seconds. A more dramatic effect still. After 6-7 passes I got to what you see above. During the day you can just barely make out the cfl light bulb and at night it now has a nice glow to it!
Not wanting to diffuse as much light on the back porch I only made 3-4 passes on this light. Notice how you can make out the cfl much easier.
Overall I like this product a ton and am looking for future uses of it.
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